
Showing posts from March, 2015

Easter opening

The surgery is only closed on the statuary bank holidays (Good Friday and Easter Monday) - we are otherwise open as normal. If you need a doctor when we are closed ring 111 and your call we be answered by the 111 team. Our opening hours over the Easter Weekend are: Thursday 2nd April - open as normal. Surgery closes at 6.30 pm Good Friday - 3rd April - Closed Easter Saturday - 4th April - Closed Easter Sunday - 5th April - Closed Easter Monday - 6th April - Closed Tuesday - 7th April - Surgery opens as normal at 8.00 am Local pharmacies can give you some advice and help. They are all open on Easter Saturday as normal and some of them are open over the bank holiday as well: LLoyds, 6-8 High Street, Normanton, 893915 - Open on Good Friday and Easter Monday, 10 am to 4 pm. Exel Chemist, 56 High Street, Normanton, 896777 - Open on Good Friday 9 am - 6 pm, Easter Saturday 7 am - 1- pm, Easter Sunday 11 am - 4pm and Easter Monday 9 am to 6 pm. I wish you all a Happy Easter. ...

Need a same day appointment, the doctor may call you back first!

The practice is experiencing a sustained increase in the number of people who want appointments and the number of people who say they need to be seen on the day they have rung up for an appointment. We regularly monitor the situation. Last week 2,520 patients had appointments with a healthcare professional, either a doctor, nurse or healthcare assistant. We look at at how the number of contacts to the practice is increasing and in the last three months of 2014 compared to a similar period in 2013 we saw nearly 6% more people (adjusted for list size growth). We also count the number of patients seen by the duty doctor. The duty doctor sees everyone who wants a same day appointment. It is busy if the duty doctor sees more than 50 patients in one day and over the last four weeks the duty doctor has seen 50 or more patients on 13 out of 20 days. The practice feels that this situation is just not sustainable. We are changing our same day appointments system so that if you ring and reque...