
Showing posts from September, 2015

Physician Associate

We are delighted to announce that the practice has started training a Physician Associate. Physician associates (formerly known as Physician Assistant) is a rapidly growing healthcare role in the UK working alongside doctors in GP surgery. Physican Associates support doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. They are trained to perform a number of roles including: taking medical histories, performing examinations, analysing test results and diagnosing illnesses under the direct supervision of a GP. To train as a Physician Associate students typically have a 2.1 degree in a biomedical science and they apply for an MSc Physician Associate course. We are working with Leeds University to train a Physician Associate. They will be with us every Friday for three terms and they start in the practice on Friday 25th September. We are looking forwards to working with them and training them.

Flu Vaccination Clinics - 2015

We are holding 'flu vaccination clinics on the following three Saturdays - October 3rd. October 10th and October 17th. We recommend 'flu vaccinations to anyone who would be at more risk of the serious complications of 'flu than the general population. This means people over 65, those with a chronic lung or chest condition like asthma or COPD, people who have diabetes and people with heart disease. In addition and annual nasal spray flu vaccine will be available for children aged two, three and four years old plus children in school years one and two. It is being offered to those children with a date of birth on or after September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2014. If you would like your child to get the nasal spray flu vaccine then make an appointment for one of our Saturday clinics. If you  click here  you can follow a link to the page on our website where you can download our 'flu information leaflet and consent form. The 'flu vaccination clinics are being held betw...