
Showing posts from March, 2016

Think you have had a stroke then act FAST and dial 999

I was at a meeting last week when we were discussing the performance of the stroke unit at Pinderfields. About 15% of people who have had a stroke have one due to a clot and these can be potentially cured by drugs that will dissolve the clot - 'clot busters'. But they only work if patients present quickly after they have had symptoms of a stroke. Patients needs to start the drugs as soon as possible and at least within 4 1/2 hours. Nationally the average time patients take from the first symptoms of a stroke appearing to arrival at a stroke unit is 2 hours 45 minutes. In Wakefield this time increases to 5 hours 5 mins. The increased length of time it takes people to arrive at the stroke unit reduces the number of people who will be able to benefit from the 'clot busters'. The symptoms of a stroke are: F - face weakness A - arm weakness S - speech slurred T - time - ACT FAST. Click here  for the NHS Acting FAST website and ...

Easter Opening

The surgery is only closed on the statuary bank holidays (Good Friday and Easter Monday) - we are otherwise open as normal. If you need a doctor when we are closed ring 111 and your call we be answered by the 111 team. Our opening hours over the Easter Weekend are: Thursday 24th March - open as normal. Surgery closes at 6.30 pm Good Friday - 25th March - Closed Easter Saturday - 26th March - Closed Easter Sunday - 27th March - Closed Easter Monday - 28th March - Closed Tuesday - 29th March - Surgery opens as normal at 8.00 am Local pharmacies can give you some advice and help. They are all open on Easter Saturday as normal and some of them are open over the bank holiday as well: LLoyds, 6-8 High Street, Normanton, 893915 - Open on Good Friday and Easter Monday, 10 am to 4 pm. Exel Chemist, 56 High Street, Normanton, 896777 - Open on Good Friday 9 am - 6 pm, Easter Saturday 7 am - 1- pm, Easter Sunday 11 am - 4pm and Easter Monday 9 am to 6 pm. I wish you all a Happy...

Want to stop smoking? Read this for local help in Normanton.

If you want help stopping smoking then the following services are available to help: Health Trainers - they see people in the surgery to support you whilst you are stopping. They will advise about using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and Champix to help you stop. The practice prescribes NRT and Champix in conjunction with our Health Trainers. To get an appointment fill a form in at reception and they will be in touch with you. For more information about them click here /. You can also self refer by ringing their office on 01977 665717 Local Pharmacies - all the pharmacies in Normanton participate in a local scheme funded by Wakefield Public Health to help people stop smoking. They will advise about using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and Champix to help you stop. The practice prescribes NRT and Champix in conjunction with our local pharmacists Yorkshire Smokefree - this is a stop...