
Showing posts from April, 2016

'Sit and Wait' Surgeries

We have extended our 'Sit and Wait' surgery sessions to every morning. If you ring for an appointment between 9.00 am and 10.30 am we will offer you a choice of appointments. If you feel you need to be seen on the day we will ask you it if is something the doctor can deal with over the telephone. But if it is something you need to see a doctor in a consultation for, you will be asked to come and 'Sit and Wait' in the surgery and you will be seen in that 'Sit and Wait' surgery session. When you check in at reception the computer gives you a number and we call people in turn, As an alternative to ringing for an appointment, if you want to be seen in the 'Sit and Wait' surgery just come down to reception between 9.00 am and 10.30 am and register at reception and you will be seen in turn. Routine appointments are still available to book up to six weeks in advance. If your condition requires immediate attention for example chest pain, breathlessness...

Advice about Hay Fever

Hayfever is a common condition also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis and affects around 1 in 5 people in the UK. It often runs in families and is more likely to affect people who suffer from asthma and eczema. It is an allergic condition where the body’s immune system overreacts to substances that are usually harmless, for example pollen from grasses, flowers, weeds or trees. The pollen causes the release of a chemical called histamine from cells in the nose, eyes and airways, which cause inflammation. Some people suffer symptoms all year round; they can be allergic to indoor allergens such as house dust mites, pets and indoor moulds. This is called perennial allergic rhinitis. Symptoms include: Sneezing; Itchy, blocked or runny nose ; Red, itchy, puffy or watery eyes Itchy throat; Headaches and sinus pain; Fatigue Managing your hayfever The severity of symptoms can vary, some people need medication to manage their symptoms and others can manage their condition by avoiding...