
Showing posts from August, 2016

August Bank Holiday Opening

The surgery is closed on August Bank Holiday Monday 29th August, 2016.  We reopen, as normal on Tuesday, 30th August at 8.00 am. If you need urgent GP assistance or advice over the weekend then dial 111. Have a good weekend and I am hoping it does not rain!

Waiting Times at Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals

The NHS Constitution says that patients are entitled to be seen and start treatment within 18 weeks of referral to hospital. Local hospitals have a target set by NHS England that 92% of patients referred with be seen within 18 weeks. However a common complaint of patients is that when we refer patients to our local hospital it takes longer than that for them to get seen. In my role on the CCG Board I am aware the Pinderfields is failing to meet its 18 weeks target. If you click here you can read about their performance in the public minutes of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust board. The last minutes publicly available are from July and they give details of their performance in April, 2016 which I understand has not improved a lot since. Below is a list of the performance of each speciality: From the table you can see that the specialities that are performing particularly badly are orthopaedics, ENT, plastic surgery and neurology. This is the reason that patients ...

Goodbye and Welcome!

As August approaches our current GP trainees move on and we welcome new GP trainees to the practice.  We are saying goodbye to: Dr Zak Tai - he is doing some locum sessions in Dewsbury Dr Siobhan Waldron - she has gone back into hospital to do obstetrics and gynaecology to complete the hospital posts on her GP training scheme. We are expecting Dr Susanne Samara to return from maternity leave and complete 12 days training in early August and expecting Dr Sarah Timperly back from maternity leave in October or November to finish her training. And finally we welcome four new GP trainees in August; Dr Wendy Wong, Dr Matthew Roday, Dr Khawja Naser and Dr Kiran Ali. We wish all the doctors who have left the practice the very best for the future and give a very warm welcome to our new GP trainees.