Wakefield CCG stops prescription of products of limited health benefit
Wakefield CCG has informed local practices that from 1st May the following products will not be available on NHS prescription. The list of products are those that offer limited health benefit, are of low clinical priority or can be purchased at a relatively low cost in supermarkets or pharmacies. The current list is: Sunscreen for skin protection from UV radiation Cream for unwanted facial hair and other products that are mainly for cosmetic purposes Moisturizers for minor skin conditions Camouflage products e.g. make up for port wine stain birthmarks Multivitamins where no specific deficiency has been identified Expensive brands of medicines if a suitable generic alternative is available which costs less The practice is stopping the medication of sunscreen and multivitamins where no specific deficiency has been identified. For cream for unwanted facial hair and camouflage products the practice will be contacting patients and telling them we are stopping them. The prac...