Welcome to the new blog
As you will know Dr Brown has now officially retired. The eagle eyed among you may have spotted him in the practice, although he is not seeing any patients! Dr Jaz Walsh has now taken over writing this blog and hopes to keep you updated with latest news and events. We will be adding a new section to the blog each month with a different health topic to inform patients about common conditions, what you can expect and how you can help yourself. If there are any topics you would like to see included, please click here to email our practice manager partner. Bank Holiday Just to remind you there is a statutory bank holiday coming up Monday 28th August. We will be closed that day only. As usual if you need assistance please contact 111 who will be able to advise or arrange review with the out of hours GP service. P lease make sure you order and collect repeat prescriptions to cover for the Bank Holiday in advance. Local pharmacies can give you some...