
Showing posts from 2018

Mental Health Services available over the Bank Holiday Period

The MIX Helpline 08088084994 or text THEMIX to 85258 for crisis support. Website offers 1 to1 chat plus advice and support on a range of issues for young people under 25. 24/7 access to self-help materials and daily online counselling available over the holiday period for young people 116 123 for any adults: 'We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you'

Christmas Opening🎄

We are open as normal throughout the Christmas period except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years day. If you require medical advice and if necessary access to a GP appointment during this time please ring our normal telephone number 01924 223909 where you will put through to GP Care Wakefield between 0.900-15.00. Outside of these hours please ring 111 Please note these services are not for repeat prescriptions so please contact the prescription team at the practice before the 19/12/18 to ensure adequate supply of medications for the Christmas period. Please also remember GP Care Wakefield is available for same day appointments Monday - Friday 6pm-10pm outside of these dates. Pharmacy bank holiday opening is as follows: Exel High St Normanton: Christmas Day 09.00-11.00, Boxing Day 09.00-15.00 Asda Castleford Boxing Day 0.900-18.00, New Years Day 10.00-17.00 On behalf of Kings Medical Practice I would like to wish all our patients a safe and happy Christmas and N...

Flu vaccinations

😓To anyone who has not yet had their flu vaccination: please contact the practice as soon as possible and we will arrange for you to have you flu vaccination. If you are uncertain if you qualify for a flu vaccination please see our previous blogs which advise or check the NHS choices website for more details ( )

SMS Text messaging of results

We are trying to increase convenient access to your results. One of the ways we can do this is through SMS text messaging where you will receive the outcome and advice regarding your result direct to your mobile. In order to do this we need to verify your mobile phone details, your preferred method of contact and your consent to text messaging. If you prefer you can chose to have contact by telephone or letter instead and for those who are registered with SystmOne Online services you can choose to have access to your results online. Staff will be asking your preferences over the coming weeks and months. However please contact us if you wish to notify us of your preferences now or you have any further questions by ringing our office manager Mandy Lavin on 01924 228091 or email

Final update to flu vaccination

We have now received supplies of flu vaccine for children 2 and 3 years old and children in the at risk groups 2-17 years. Therefore children can now attend any of the advertised flu vaccination clinics. We apologise for any inconvenience.

**Update to Flu Vaccination for children**

Unfortunately we have just learned that the supplier of the flu vaccines for children are now unable to guarantee delivery of vaccines for the vaccination dates previously advertised. This applies to all children 2 and 3 years old and all children in the 'at risk' groups between 2 and 17 years old. Babies 6 months- 2 years are NOT affected. We believe the vaccine will be available from 13th October and will update you as soon as we are able, hopefully within the next week.

Flu Vaccination 2018

It's that time of year again for us to start the vaccination programme for Flu, for those individuals at risk of complications for contracting the Influenza virus. This year the vaccination programme has changed with a different vaccine for those aged over 65 years to the rest of the adult population. The vaccine has been developed specifically because this age group are offered increase immunity compared to the vaccine which is effective for other adults in at risk groups. The vaccine given to adults less than 65 years is the most suitable and effective vaccine for that age group. Again vaccination via a nasal spray will be offered to children between the age of 2-17 years in at risk groups. Babies between 6 months- 2 years in an at risk group will be offered the adult vaccine as the nasal spray is not licensed for use below the age of 2 years. The supply of the new vaccine for older adults above 65 years means that you should try and attend the clinic we have arranged as d...

Bank Holiday 27th August

The practice is closed on Bank Holiday Monday. The practice is open as usual at all other times. Ring our usual number to gain help through GP Care Wakefield from 09.00 to 15.00 hours. This is to receive medical advice and , if required, access to a same day GP appointment. This is not for repeat prescriptions. Please also remember GP Care Wakefield is available for same day appointments Monday - Friday 6pm-10pm at other times. Outside of these times please ring 111 or call back during normal surgery hours if your need is not urgent. Exel chemist is open in Normanton 09.00-15.00; Asda (Glasshoughton and Wakefield) and Lloyds Trinity Walk are open 09.00-18.00

Goodbye and welcome

It is the time of year that we say goodbye to some of the doctors who have been training to be GPs over the last 12 months. We say a (temporary?) goodbye to Dr Chris Kendall who is working at Health Care First in Ferrybridge. We thank him for all his hard work and wish him all the best for his future career. Dr Will Robertson is staying with us following successful completion of his GP training whilst covering Dr Deeley's maternity leave. He has already got a dedicated following of patients! Welcome to Dr Rebecca Dodson and Dr James Pearce with us for 12 months. Welcome to Dr David Maud with us for 6 months. A first for us is to welcome our first Foundation Year training doctor. This is a qualified doctor who needs to complete 2 years of compulsory training in a variety of specialities before they decide which specialty they are going to train in. This is Dr Benedict Hughes who is with us for 4 months. We hope to persuade him to become a GP!

New arrangements for the Sit and Wait surgery

Following feedback from patients and staff, we are keen to ensure that patients with the most clinical urgency are seen as quickly as possible. Therefore, from Monday 9th July, all patients who are requesting a same day appointment to be seen by a doctor, will be asked to ring the practice rather than walk in. A trained member of staff will ask some questions to try and identify who the most appropriate clinician might be to deal with your problem.  Our staff will discuss with you the most appropriate and convenient way in which the problem or query can be dealt with. You will be then advised to either attend the sit and wait surgery; to expect a call from the clinician best placed to help; or your query dealt with by the practice staff. As part of trying to improve access for patients, we will also now call you back if you request a visit and the doctor can then assess how quickly you might need to be seen and who is best placed to deal with your problem. The Sit and Wait surge...

Bank Holiday

Please note the practice will be closed on the Bank Holidays 7th and 28th May. The practice is open as usual at all other times. Through GP Care Wakefield patients will continue to  have access through our normal telephone number from 09.00 to 15.00 hours on both Bank Holiday days. This is to receive medical advice and , if required, access to a GP appointment. This is not for repeat prescriptions. Please also remember GP Care Wakefield is available for same day appointments Monday - Friday 6pm-10pm outside of these dates. Outside of these times please ring 111 or call back during normal surgery hours if your need is not urgent.

Sepsis- be aware

What is Sepsis? Sepsis, also know as blood poisoning, is the reaction to an infection in which the body attacks its own organs and tissues. Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition, however it can be easily treated if caught early. Symptoms of sepsis will present differently between adults and children. How do I spot Sepsis? Sepsis could occur as the result of any infection. There is no one sign for sepsis. Sepsis is a serious condition that can initially look like flu, gastroenteritis or a chest infection. Seek medical help urgently if you develop any of the following: S lurred speech or confusion E xtreme shivering or muscle pain P assing no urine (in a day) S evere breathlessness I t feels like you’re going to die S kin mottled or discoloured Sepsis in Children If your child is unwell with either a fever or very low temperature (or has had a fever in the last 24 hours) just ask "could it be sepsis?". Any child who: ...

Access to services over the Easter period

Please note the Practice is open as normal throughout the Easter period except the Bank Holidays 30th March and 2nd April 2018. Through GP Care Wakefield patients will continue to  have access through our normal telephone number from 09.00 to 15.00 hours on both Bank Holiday days and Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April. This is to receive medical advice and , if required, access to a GP appointment. This is not for repeat prescriptions. Please also remember GP Care Wakefield is available for same day appointments Monday - Friday 6pm-10pm outside of these dates. Additionally please note that the Practice will continue to provide extended access appointments as scheduled through the Easter period: 18.00-20.00 29th March 2018 and 07.00-08.00 5th April 2018. Outside of these times please ring 111 or call back during normal surgery hours if your need is not urgent. On behalf of Kings Medical Practice I would like to wish all our patients a happy and safe Easter ...

Giving up smoking

Public Health England (PHE) has said that it believes e-cigarettes should be available on prescription to help the many people in the UK who are trying to give up smoking. According to a review of the latest evidence, published by PHE, around 20,000 people are using e-cigarettes each year to help them quit smoking. The same report also indicates that they are 95% less harmful than real cigarettes.   In 2017, the Stoptober campaign also embraced the idea that e-cigarettes might be key in helping people to quit. There is a lot of confusing information about smoking and E-cigarettes. The following advice may help: e lectronic cigarettes can provide some of the nicotine that would have otherwise come from smoking regular cigarettes electronic cigarettes are not a magic cure but some people find them helpful for quitting or cutting down their nicotine intake there is a wide range of these available and you may need to try different brands, flavours and nico...