
Showing posts from February, 2018

Giving up smoking

Public Health England (PHE) has said that it believes e-cigarettes should be available on prescription to help the many people in the UK who are trying to give up smoking. According to a review of the latest evidence, published by PHE, around 20,000 people are using e-cigarettes each year to help them quit smoking. The same report also indicates that they are 95% less harmful than real cigarettes.   In 2017, the Stoptober campaign also embraced the idea that e-cigarettes might be key in helping people to quit. There is a lot of confusing information about smoking and E-cigarettes. The following advice may help: e lectronic cigarettes can provide some of the nicotine that would have otherwise come from smoking regular cigarettes electronic cigarettes are not a magic cure but some people find them helpful for quitting or cutting down their nicotine intake there is a wide range of these available and you may need to try different brands, flavours and nico...