
Showing posts from 2019


Ordering of repeat prescriptions   Over many years as a Practice we have continued to accept repeat prescription requests by telephone for our patients. With increasing demand, due to rising patient numbers, rising prescription items and the complexity of medication regimes, there is now increasing evidence of safety issues caused by using telephone requests.   Safety of our patients is of paramount importance and following revised Department of Health guidance, we will therefore be reducing access to telephone requests from November 1 st 2019 with a planned withdrawal of this service from January1st 2020.   The repeat prescription line will be now be open from 10am to 3pm Monday-Friday daily. Please do not call outside of these hours for a repeat prescription. If this is the case you will be asked to call back the following day during the hours the line is open or you will be directed to other safer ways to request a repeat prescr...


Due to vaccine supply issues caused by delays from the manufacturer and how the Department of Health have allocated supplies we unfortunately have to cancel our scheduled clinic for the 26th October 2019. Additionally we are unable to supply the intra-nasal spray vaccine given to children <18 years this Saturday 19th October 2019. Please do not bring your child  (2-18years) for flu vaccination this Saturday. We will be contacting patients who are affected and will inform patients when the vaccine is supplied to the practice to re-arrange their appointment. PLEASE NOTE:   We will providing vaccination  to all adults over 18 years in the at risk groups and the over 65 age group as planned on the 19th October 2019. If you are in either of these adult groups and were scheduled to attend on the 26th October please attend the session this Saturday 19th October instead to receive your vaccination. If you haven't yet booked into any clinic please do not attend on...
Flu Vaccinations 2019 It is the time of year to start our Flu vaccination programme for all those eligible to receive it. Please note, as was the case last year, there is a different vaccine for those aged over 65 years Flu vaccine supply is delivered throughout September so please do NOT attend the first clinic if you are under 65 years as we may not have received your vaccine by this first date. Therefore our Flu sessions for patients are: Saturday 12th October 08.00 – 11.30 OVER 65 ONLY For everyone eligible:  OVER 65, UNDER 65 ‘at risk',  2 - 3 YEAR OLDS (including if your child is 3 up to 31/8/19) Saturday 19th October 08.00 – 11.30 Saturday 26th October 08.00 – 11.30 There will be a catch up date in November TBA for those who have not yet attended There will be a programme of delivery for registered housebound and Care Home patients who will be notified directly. PLEASE CONTACT King’s Medical Practice on 01924 223909 and select option 1 as soo...

Access us online using the NHS App!

Patients can now use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.   You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.   If you already use SystmOnline you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.   For more information go to

Easter opening and services

Please note the practice is closed over the Bank Holiday period, Good Friday , Easter Saturday and Easter Monday. If you require assistance during this time please ring our normal number 01924 223909 where you will be put through to GP Care Wakefield our extended hours service run by Wakefield GPs. This is open 7 days per week every day of the year as follows: Monday- Friday 6-10pm Saturday Sunday and Bank Holidays 9-3pm This provides telephone advice, a triage service to signpost you to the correct care but may include a same day GP or Nurse Practitioner appointment or a routine care appointment. Outside of these hours please call 111 where you may be signposted to care with a GP, pharmacist or Optician or referred to hospital if required. Please call 999 if you feel your problem is an emergency. Please note these services are NOT for routine repeat prescriptions so please contact the prescription team at the practice before 18/4/19 to ensure adequate supply of medications ...