Easter Opening
Please note the practice is closed over the Bank Holiday period, Good Friday , Easter Saturday and Easter Monday. If you require assistance during this time please ring our normal number 01924 223909 where you will be put through to GP Care Wakefield our extended hours service run by Wakefield GPs. This is open 7 days per week every day of the year as follows: Monday- Friday 6-10pm Saturday Sunday and Bank Holidays 9-3pm This provides telephone advice, a triage service to signpost you to the correct care but may include a same day GP or Nurse Practitioner appointment or a routine care appointment. Outside of these hours please call 111 where you may be signposted to care with a GP, pharmacist or Optician or referred to hospital if required. Please call 999 if you feel your problem is an emergency. Please note these services are NOT for routine repeat prescriptions so please contact the prescription team at the practice before 01/04/2021 to ensure adequate supply of medications ov...