Electronic Prescribing - where are we?

At the end of August last year I blogged about Stage 2 of the NHS Electronic Prescribing Service. With Stage 2 the practice will be able to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies that you nominate to get your prescription from. It will save you from having to contact the practice for a repeat prescription and will save the practice loads of time in not having to print our and deal with every single repeat prescription request.

My blog about Electronic Prescribing has received the most hits of any of my blogs. When I blogged I said that we would be implementing it by December, 2010 but now as I write this in the second half of the year we are no closer to an implementation date.

The practice is keen to be an early adopter for this but our clinical software supplier has not satisfactorily completed tests on their Electronic Prescribing module and we are still waiting ...

So, yet again it is watch this space ...!


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