Electronic Prescribing - gone live!

We went live with Electronic Prescribing on Wednesday. After a few false starts it is now up and running so when you ring up and request a repeat prescription if you have chosen (or nominated a pharmacist) your prescription will  go electronically straight to them and you won't have to come to the surgery to pick the prescription up.

We can do this with almost all drugs - we currently can't do it with Controlled Drugs - these are drugs such as morphine and some sleeping tablets. Quite a few repeat prescription items need altering so that we can prescribe them electronically. Generally we have to change from pack numbers to actual numbers of tablets. The software does this automatically some of the time but quite a lot of the time the doctor needs to alter them. So if you see us fiddling about with the computer, more than normal, this is probably why!

We had a few problems on Wednesday - having to shutdown the clinical system and then restart several times, but the PCT staff who had turned on Electronic Prescribing had brought cakes and so at coffee time everything was fine. 

Take home message is cakes rock!


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