
Showing posts from August, 2015

August Bank Holiday Opening

The surgery is closed on August Bank Holiday Monday 31st August, 2015. We are open for pre-booked appointments on Saturday 29th August, 8.00 am - 11.00 am, as usual but are closed on Monday 31st August. We reopen, as normal on Tuesday, 1st September at 8.00 am. We have our usual pre-booked evening appointments on Tuesday 1st September from 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm. If you need urgent GP assistance or advice over the weekend then dial 111. Have a good weekend and I am hoping it does not rain!

Thursday 27th August - phones now working

Phones seem to be working normally now. But said that on Tuesday! Keeping our fingers crossed !!!!

Wednesday 26th - phones not working again

11.00 am The fault with the telephones has come back. When you ring us you may well get a constant engaged tone. I am told this is because we only have two incoming lines. BT are on with it but I apologise for any inconvenience this will undoubtedly cause. Will update again when fixed

Tuesday 25th August - phones now working!

Monday 24th August - 8.30 am Incoming phones not working this morning. When you dial you get a continuously engaged tone. This is because of a fault in the system. We have notified our telephone provider and they are working on it. In the meantime if you want an appointment this morning if you come to reception before 10.30 am this morning you will be seen! Update - 4.30 pm . Our telephone system provider came in this morning and checked that it was not a problem in the practice. At 11 am they had diagnosed a fault with BT lines. They swapped some cables about so that we could receive incoming calls but not make any outgoing calls. We have a 4 hour response service with BT and they have just been into the surgery. There is not a fault in the surgery the problem is in the exchange. They have switched some of the lines round so that we can both receive calls and make out going calls but we have much fewer lines than we normally have. Update Tuesday 25th August - 8.15 am . Still prob...

Website update

I have just updated our website. Click here for the new site. I have made a new splash picture and  updated a few of the pages. The main page I have updated has been the staff page. Click here for the updated 'Doctors and Staff' page which has all our new permanent doctors together with new pictures of practice doctors and nurses. Main complaint from staff is that everyone looks older - well the last pictures were taken in 2008 so what do you expect ... But if you do find any other errors then please let me know - click here to email me directly.