
Showing posts from September, 2017

Physician Associates

We welcome our new Physician Associate trainees to the practice. Their role is to support doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. They are being trained to take a history, perform examinations, analyse test results and diagnose illnesses under the direct supervision of a GP. They are Madeha Nahiyan and Aafia Shoaib who will be with us every Friday until June 2018. Rosheen Aurangzeb is with us from the 11-29th September.

Get access to your records online

For some time we have offered SystmOnline. This is a range of free online services to allow patients to proactively manage their care. These services allow patients to view their own Electronic Medical Record as well as booking appointments and managing medication. Systm Online is available as on online service or via apps on your phone. The aim is to provide patients with convenience and flexibility when managing their care. In order to use this service we simply need to verify your ID (passport or driving license; or 2 forms of non photo ID with your address on) If you are coming into the practice you can do this at reception. We are also running this service during the flu vaccination sessions on 7th and 14th October so please bring some ID with you. You can also register online with the SystmOnline Registration page via the following link: . You will then be contacted by the practice to provide your ID to au...

Cancer Awareness

Cancer awareness Kings Medical Practice recently took part in a National Audit about cancer diagnoses. We were only one of two practices to take part in our CCG. The feedback was very positive about the speed of referral from the practice onwards to secondary care services to confirm the diagnosis. One of the areas nationally being targeted is to try and raise awareness amongst the population of  some of the warning signs of cancer to try and improve patients seeing their GP earlier and then being diagnosed with cancers at an earlier stage. In turn this improves the likelihood of cure. We will be posting symptoms of common cancers over the next few months, but for starters! Bowel cancer  If you've been suffering from tummy troubles such as diarrhoea, bloating, discomfort or anything else that just doesn't feel right for 3 weeks or more, it could be a sign of cancer. It's probably nothing serious, but finding cancer early makes it more tr...

Flu Vaccination

Flu vaccination sessions The practice will be holding the annual flu vaccination clinics on the following Saturdays: October 7th and October 14th Please contact the appointments line 01924 223909 option 1 to book into one of these clinics. We recommend annual flu vaccinations to anyone who would be at more risk of the serious complications of flu than the general population. This means people over 65, those with a chronic lung or chest condition like asthma or COPD, people who have diabetes, people with heart disease and pre gnant wo men. All children who fall into one of at risk groups above should also receive it. In addition an annual nasal spray flu vaccine be available for all two and three year olds i.e. born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2015. For most children the vaccine is a quick and painless procedure given as a spray into each nostril. Children in reception class and school years 1,2,3,4 are also recommended to have one but these are being ...

GP Care Wakefield and the Practice Annual Patient Survey

GP Care Wakefield is a new service that will start in the next few weeks and provide Extended Hours access to GP services across Wakefield. The service will run between 6 pm and 10 pm, Monday to Friday and 9 am to 3 pm on weekends and bank holiday. The main aim of the service is to provide better urgent care but there will also be some routine appointments when the service is fully staffed available between these hours that our reception staff will be able to book you into. The service is based at Pontefract Emergency Department and Trinity Medical Centre, Wakefield and will be staffed with GPs and nurses from Wakefield GP surgeries. To access the new service: If you need medical help when the surgery is close dial the normal practice number - 01924 223909 and your call will be automatically transferred. If you want to book a routine GP when the service is open then contact reception and ask them to book you a new appointment. We are anticipating that the service will start o...