Cancer Awareness

Cancer awareness

Kings Medical Practice recently took part in a National Audit about cancer diagnoses. We were only one of two practices to take part in our CCG. The feedback was very positive about the speed of referral from the practice onwards to secondary care services to confirm the diagnosis. One of the areas nationally being targeted is to try and raise awareness amongst the population of  some of the warning signs of cancer to try and improve patients seeing their GP earlier and then being diagnosed with cancers at an earlier stage. In turn this improves the likelihood of cure.

We will be posting symptoms of common cancers over the next few months, but for starters!

  • Bowel cancer  If you've been suffering from tummy troubles such as diarrhoea, bloating, discomfort or anything else that just doesn't feel right for 3 weeks or more, it could be a sign of cancer. It's probably nothing serious, but finding cancer early makes it more treatable, so tell your doctor.
  • Lung cancer If you've have had any of the following: a cough that changes or hasn't got better after 3-4 weeks; frequent chest infections; coughing up blood; chest or shoulder pain; wheezing. feeling more tired than usual for some time; losing weight for no obvious reason. These could be a sign of cancer.

Don't ignore symptoms or put off seeing the doctor. You wont be wasting anyone's time by getting them checked out. If you know anyone who has any of these symptoms, encourage them to see their GP.


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