Preventing falls in older people

On Wednesday the practice was closed all afternoon for a training session. The training session was about 'Preventing Falls in Older People'. We had a multidisciplinary session with staff from the practice (doctors, nurses and our admin staff), district nurses, Wakefield Council, Wakefield District Housing, Carelink, Mid Yorks Community Therapy Services and Wakefield Carers Council. The number of older people in Normanton is increasing and the number of older people who fall and sustain a fracture is increasing as well.

The workshop discussed ways in which we can identify people who are at risk of falling and then address some of these risk factors. The way that we are trying to screen people who are at risk of falling is through a Falls Risk Assessment Tool. The four questions we ask as part of this screening process are:

1 Have you had any falls in the last 12 months - yes or no
2 Do you take 4 or more medications - yes or no
3 Have you had a stroke or do you suffer form Parkinson's disease - yes or no
4 Do you have problems with balance -yes or no
5 are you unable to risk from a chair without using your arms - yes or no

If you answer yes to three or more of these questions then research has shown that over the next 12 months you have a 66% risk of falling and you should see a health professional for further assessment.

So, if you score 3 or more, make an appointment today!


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